Research and Creative Excellence
UCCS Goals
UCCS will promote research and creative excellence that generates new knowledge, benefits society and expands transformational experiences for students.
Important Information
How will we accomplish this strategy? We will:
- Increase the number of research-active faculty at the university.
- Improve support for student research and creative work.
- Invest in research support and infrastructure.
Measures of Success
How will we know we're successful? We will have:
- Increased our national reputation for research and creative works.
- Provided research-active faculty with reduced teaching loads.
- Generated gains in research and creative outputs, funding, productivity and impact.
- Invested in expanded resources for undergraduate and graduate student and faculty researchers.
- Built a supportive, sustainable and effective research organization.
How will we get there? We will:
- Develop and implement an equitable framework for research policy, practice, shared-governance and evaluation.
- Increase university investment in research faculty, research and sponsored program support significantly above growth and inflation margins.
- Foster a diverse research culture and strengthen infrastructure.
- Significantly expand support for student research, especially among underrepresented students.